The Uncle Paul (Peaches soaked in Red Wine)

The Uncle Paul (Peaches soaked in Red Wine)

I don't know if this is an old Italian tradition, but long ago Sal's Uncle Paul made this for me, so I call it “The Uncle Paul”. I hadn't made it in a long time. I had some nice, ripe peaches and red wine so I made some for Andy and me. I wanted to honor Uncle Paul and share this with you. So very easy but delightful! This makes one glass. Multiply as needed. Salute Uncle Paul!

1 medium very ripe peach

8 oz Dry red wine. I like Cabarnet or Merlot

1 large wine glass

1 small fork

Slice peaches into wine glass

Pour wine in glass

Let is sit for about 5 minutes for wine to soak into peaches

Eat the wine soaked peaches with the fork. Drink the wine.


Uncle Paul

Uncle Paul